The Cowboy: I stood in this particular spot in the middle of Union Station for over an hour.  I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for. I saw the pool of light on the floor. I liked all the traffic but I couldn't seem to nail the shot I felt in my heart was there.  Just then, this beautiful old Cowboy cuts a line through the walkway and directly into my light. Union Station  12/28/2013
Final Lap!: The Peloton beginning the final circuit of Pasadena before Peter Segan's inevitable stage win.
Mike the Actor
Time to Pray: An elderly woman takes the morning for herself.  Huntington Beach 4/10/2014
Metro Light: A quiet afternoon at the metro station. Downtown LA, 1/6/2014
Sometimes the Train Never Comes...: This was the end of a very long day.  As my friend and I walked to her car, tired, worn from the sun, I spotted this man sitting on the steps.  There is simply no better way to describe it except to say that the way this photo looks and feels, more than any photo I've ever taken, is exactly what I felt like at this moment. This is, in fact, a photo of my soul. When I broke my stride and fired the shutter my friend turned her head and glanced at the scene, then kept walking.  As I trotted back to her side she smiled in approval and simply said "Yup."
Union Station 5/11/2014
Ump: The umpire waits while the boys convene.  Miguel Contreras Learning Complex, 5/6/2014
The Butcher
Lex: I've known her since I was 10, and that has been one of the true privileges of my life. 
Neptune's Net, Malibu 1/4/2014.  
Go!: The start of the Tough Mudder 2014 Los Angeles. San Bernadino, 3/29/2014
What Is Black?
Fistacuffs 1: This guy chose probably the hottest day ever to practice his MMA fighting.  
The Green Green Grass II

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